Discovery Exercise: Setting Up a Blog Using Blogger

    View the Slideshare presentation on the right. It explains how to set up a Blogger account and start your blog.

    Set up a blog for yourself using Blogger. Play around a bit, and add a test post or two. The information below will help you set up a blog in three easy steps.

    Create a Blog in 3 Steps
    1. Create an account-- Blogger asks you for an email account. This becomes your username. Note: Blogger recommends a gmail account to set up an account. We have found that this is not necessary. If you want to use another account, try it. If it doesn't work, create a gmail account. Remember to write down your user name and password. 
    2. Name your blog--Remember that the whole web world can see your blog name and blog address. You probably don't want to use your real name. Consider using something anonymous yet uniquely you. If you were to name your blog "Library Writing" your URL would look like this: Notice there is no "www" in this address.
    3. Select a template--Blogger has several templates to choose from. You can customize any template you choose. Remember to check Blogger's Help file or an appropriate tutorial if you run into trouble.
    TIP: Please bookmark your blog as well as writing down the address on your tracker.
    Once you have created the blog, you can continue working on it using blog features.

    What is the dashboard?
    Originally a board used to stop mud from being dashed inside a vehicle, the word dashboard has evolved to mean a user interface that organizes and presents information in a way that is easy to read. Your Blogger Dashboard is the place to find information about the blogs you create and the ones you read that use the Blogger program. You can get to the dashboard by clicking on the Blogger Icon  on the upper left-hand corner of the page.

    Editing Features 

    When you click on the design hyperlink in the upper right-hand corner of your blog you will be taken to a page that allows you to manipulate and control your blog.


    The design hyperlink takes you to this page where you can experiment and change your template. You can use templates as they are, or change them using advanced change links.

    On the left-hand side is a list of actions you can use to further work with your blog. Click on "Layout."


    At the right is the layout template for this blog. There are various formats which you can choose that put the main posting space and sidebar information in the location that suits your purpose.


    If you click on the "Add a Gadget" links on the template, you will be allowed to use apps, called widgets, that provide specific functions on your sidebars.
    When you click on "Add a Gadget" a list of gadgets will pop up. You can choose the gadget you want to use by clicking on the blue and white + icons on the right side of the gadget.

    At the left, I have put some of the gadgets I find most useful. You can use the ones on Blogger, or find others on the internet. It is fun to explore.

    If you get stuck, the HELP function really IS helpful. Please use it before going to  someone else. This is not because you will bother other people--it is so you can see how good these services are.
    Blogger Help Resources
    Need help? Whether you’re a first-timer or an experienced blogger, you can find answers to all of your Blogger questions in the design view by clicking on the circular icon in the upper right-hand corner. Take a peek at the options and choose the one that best fits your needs. Search or browse through our collection of how-to articles, troubleshooting tips, and fun tricks.